This is a Board panel decision where a workplace cut or scrape led to an amputation that could become industrial

This is a Board panel decision

This is a very significant case for workers’ compensation principles.

The applicant suffered a cut or scrape at work.  He also got a blister on his left toe.  The toe turned gangrene.  The applicant had new onset diabetes. His left foot progressively got worse.  The applicant first had an amputation to the low shin.  The condition spread and then he had an above-the-knee amputation.

The applicant saw an orthopedist who found the left toe gangrene was industrial.  The applicant then saw an internist that indicated the injury was not industrial.

The Workers’ Compensation Judge (WCJ) did not find applicant credible.  The applicant did not report any wounds to his foot to the employer.  The applicant filed a petition for reconsideration.

The Board reviewed the liberal construction code section 3202.  They also reviewed the case of Kimbol v IAC.  Then they reviewed McAllister v WCAB.  The Board indicated the question is whether there is a reasonable inference to support the claim for injury.

They looked at the existing medical opinions.  They concluded that the record was insufficient to determine causation. They suggested that the current physicians address the issue and if they cannot make a determination the WCJ should appoint a physician.

Therefore, they rescinded the decision and remanded for a determination on causation.


Harvey Brown
3501 Jamboree Rd. Suite 602
Newport Beach, CA 92660

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